“Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health.” – Julia Child

My Thoughts: 

I’m a big fan of sampling and I like to sample everything I come across. Of course, this has to do with food and just about any object I get my hands on. When I go to the store, I like to try everything that is on display.


I have kind of mentality that says go all out so I’m not a person of moderation. However, I agree that I can try a little bit of everything all the time. Regardless of what I think or not think, key point of life is to try. As long as you try you are exploring happiness which is a good health.


When it comes to happiness, I find it hard to not have any. Everyone has something that makes them happy and that is naturally given to us. I really don’t think there is any person on Earth who has no happiness. Therefore, what I’m trying to say is do more of what will make you happy. Also, by sampling things you’ve never tried before, just might introduce you to new happiness.


If I never tried to play soccer, I may just have never liked it. When I was a kid, I went to soccer for couple of years which my dad took me. I had no idea I was going to like it or not. Little did I know, couple months later that soccer turned out to be my life. I loved it so much that it brought me joy, love, and purpose to play sports.

It made me a healthier person with joy in my heart. Purpose to what I’m trying to say is you have to explore new things in life to introduce joy you never thought would have existed.