Sometimes I like giving my dog yogurt as it helps her with her sleep. Of course, you may just wonder and naturally think that yogurt may be bad for dogs, but it just depends on the type of yogurt. On top of that, not all dogs like yogurt as they may be lactose intolerant. So, it just depends if your dog will eat it or not. My dog Mimi just goes crazy for it; however, I give it in moderation. This means I give it sometimes and I give it as an aid to sleep better.

Type of Yogurt 

It is a no brainer that you must look for a yogurt that is plain and no additives. Make sure it has no added sugars to it and that its as plain as plain can be. This said, if it has a fruit inside just avoid it as most fruit yogurts come with added sugars. In simplest form, just plain yogurt and nothing else.

Artificial Sweeteners 

If you come across artificial sweeteners in a yogurt, make sure to avoid it. Some artificial sweeteners such as Xylitol is known for causing liver failure and killing dogs too. Make sure you are aware just how damaging artificial sweeteners just are for dogs.

Yogurt is Good

You heard it right, if you dog loves yogurt just like mine than it is good for them. It has many beneficial health benefits to dogs.

  • yogurt has calcium which helps to build strong bones and teeth.
  • yogurt has Probiotics which help with overall dog health
  • helps with weight loss and immune system function.

Overall, yogurt is a perfect bed night snack as it helps to sleep better too. As a whole, it improves the dog’s health but just in moderation. Again, not every dog may like it but if your dog likes it than it can be a perfect treat.