There are days when I come home from work and I’m just so tired. Sometimes, like twice or three times a week I just come home and just eat sunflower seeds. These are the days that I give my dog sunflower seeds. The most important thing in giving sunflower seeds to dogs is making sure that there is no salt. The last thing you want to do is give salted sunflower seeds. My dog Mimi goes crazy for roasted unsalted sunflower seeds.


It’s not as easy as it sounds as giving my dog sunflower seeds. There is a little bit of labor involved to it. What I do is I crack the shell and take the seed out from inside and give one seed at a time as I eat. Perhaps, my dog’s favorite thing to do is sit right next to me as I eat these seeds.

Types of Seeds

There are many different sunflower seeds out there and it all comes down to two things.

  1. Roasted
  2. Unsalted

Thats it and nothing more. If you find sunflower seeds with any additional ingredients than just forget it. I tend to go from Russian to Armenian seeds and different company seeds from different countries. However, all of them are the same as they are roasted and unsalted. The only difference is that they are different size and texture along with different taste.


Every time I eat sunflower seeds it just helps me to relax. In other words, it may just help me to clear my mind and relieve stress. While eating I just give some to my dog and she just goes crazy for it. I just put one on my hand and she licks it off my hand. The way Mimi eats it is just too cute. It’s fun, healthy and helps to clear my mind while helping my dog enjoy it at the same time.