If a fat man puts u in a bag at night, don’t worry I told Santa I wanted u for Christmas.

(My Thoughts:)

This looks like a joke but if you see it happening in real life you might think that the fat man is going to it her. I mean why else would a fat man put a girl in a bag. Well, with a Christmas outfit it might just make sense and with some reindeers. But with normal clothes it just doesn’t make any sense. It actually seems pretty dangerous if you ask me. However, what makes this normal are the words Santa and Christmas. Otherwise, this would be not normal at all. The only thing missing in this pickup line are the reindeers.

Santa Stealing Cookies

Ever wonder why Santa drinks milk and eats all the cookies? Well, in a short way is a way to give him thanks for giving us presents. It’s part of giving as you give you receive. Or in this case, as you receive, you give. It’s part of being generous and respectful. Even if Santa is fake, it is a story that teaches us to give and be generous.

Now come to think about why Santa is fat? Well, after eating thousands of cookies it would be impossible to be skinny. One cookie after another would only lead to obesity. Maybe if Santa ate carrots and spinach he would be in great shape. Now come to wonder how he even fits in the chimney. Well, this is where the magic comes in place and makes Santa magical.

Now if you are stuck wondering if the North Pole exists or not, well check it out here. Also, don’t tell kids Santa is fake because that may just be a curse that will haunt you later.