My 4-year-old sister saw a picture in a zoo book and said, “Look at this! It’s a frickin’ elephant!” I took a deep breath, then asked “What did you call it?” “It’s a frickin’ elephant! It says so on the picture!” And so, it does, “A f r I c a n Elephant”

My Thoughts: 

Wow! This is very clever, it is like a joke and not a joke at the same time. I would have normally not thought about it that way, but yet again it is coming from a 4-year-old kid, so it makes sense. Next time I come across an elephant I will be thinking about it in that way. Maybe I will even say this joke being an adult, LOL. Nice joke to come by and something that you will learn from.


I guess in a childish way I could find this kind of funny. If I were a kid, I would most likely enjoy this joke. As an adult, it is enjoyable, but at the same time, it is more clever than funny.

Save the Elephants 

I also find it sad that elephants are being instinct as less and less are being counted every year. Just to mention that I want to keep you guys informed about their horns. Yes, as nice as it looks, remember to not buy them. Technically, they are illegal to be sold, but people are selling them for cash kind of like underneath the table type of deal. So, if you come across it, please report it by calling the police and don’t purchase it.

If you are wondering what the horns are being used for? They are being used as jewelry as people wear them as a necklace, sometimes as rings too. Many people like to decorate their house using these horns as a decoration which is wrong. Keep these animals safe and sound. Let’s work together to support them and not hurt them for jewelry or anything else.