“The word of the day is legs. Let’s go back to my place and spread the word.”

(My Thoughts:)

Well, there seems like nothing wrong with spreading the legs a little here and there. I mean what is worse than not spreading the legs is having the man to try to do all of the work. As it comes to sex, many people have it wrong. Some women think that the man is the one in control of the entire process. However, some other women are exactly the opposite. Therefore, to make it straight and clear: it is 50/50. There is no man over woman or woman over man, it is as it is a clear 50/50 ratio of effort needed by both couples.


If you are a woman don’t expect the guy to do all of the work. If you just sit there or lay there and just expect the guy to turn you on during the entire time, you may just end in bad terms. The man is not willing to keep putting in effort after effort as it’s a tiering process.


Don’t expect the woman to constantly turn you on and to do a lot of the work. Instead, you need to push it and put in work as well.


If there is an unbalance between the two it is best to talk about it and not make a fight about it. Many times, there are fights about other things when the reality is because of the sex. Which is why it is best to directly discuss about it. If you have noticed that you are not putting in much foreplay, maybe this is the time to change things up for the better.

Remember that spreading the legs is an enjoyment and not a fight, unless it’s a roundhouse kick. LOL