When it comes to dogs there is just so much confusion to what water are they really supposed to drink. Well, in short, the answer is pretty simple, just basic filtered water. What I noticed is that some people are giving them water from the sink, and this is pretty wrong. Why? Because sink water can have ammonia, lead, chlorine, bad taste, and more. I been giving my dog filtered water for her entire life and currently she is 16 years old. Which this means that the water she is drinking is clean and healthy.

Water for Dogs 

Basic filtered water is all you need to give to your dog and nothing more. I have attached a filtration to my sink and every 9 months I change it. You can buy something like this from Costco or you can even buy portable water filtration tanks. Either way, as long as it is not tap water, it is okay.

Clean the Bowl 

cleaning dog water bowl with napkin

cleaning dog water bowl with napkin

Also, don’t forget to clean the water bowl so it is always clean. Normally, I just clean it with the filtered water, but about once a week I wipe it with a napkin. As you can see in the photo above that the yellow stains on the napkin are from cleaning it. These yellow stains are bacteria, and they are not seeable by the naked eye. Which is why it is important to clean the bowl, so it is always fresh and clean.

Usually, I change the water 3 times a day as it is what I’m used to. Every time I see leftover food stain in there, I just empty it and clean with filtered water, then add more filtered water to it.

How do I Clean with filtered water? 

Simple, I just empty the dirty water, and I run it through the filtered water and empty it couple of times, then I add more filtered water to it. In other words, I clean the water with filtered water and not sink water. You can watch it on the video above just how I do it. If you ever have questions, you can also visit a vet so they can also explain it.