During Covid-19 Lockdown I took my dog to the Vet because she was having hard time breathing. She wasn’t doing well so I took her to Banfield Pet Hospital which is only 10 minutes away from me. The Vet examined my dog and took X-Rays which he said she needs to be on medication. So, he prescribed Vetmedin for Dogs and said my dog Mimi should take these every 12 hours half a pill. We purchased the medication which is extremely expensive and started giving it to Mimi.

2.5mg Vetmedin (pimobendan) Chewable Tablets for Dogs

As I started giving this medication to my dog, I have noticed incredible relief coming from her breathing. It’s as if a magic pill and she started functioning and feeling way better in just the same week of giving it to her. Mimi is turning 18-years-old tomorrow, and she is still doing well on her breathing in more than 3 years of taking the pill. Wow! what a wonderful pill that feels like a gift to my dog and I want to Thank Banfield Pet Hospital for this medication. They saved my dog and that is the best thing ever.

Nutritional Foods 

I’m giving Mimi healthy foods and also giving fruits as well. Her favorite vegetable is the cucumber, and she just loves fruits like strawberries. Besides dog food, I’m giving her human food but only foods that are good for her. She’s eating food right now as I’m typing this. As she’s getting older, she is sleeping more throughout the day and she’s just being her. We just let her do as she likes from sleeping to walking and we take her for walks, but she is in a dog stroller cart laying down and enjoying the ride.

Happy Birthday to Mimi! and Thanks to the Vets at Banfield Pet Hospital.