“Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Jesus (Matthew 18:3)

We are not a cat and we do not have nine lives. This is important to understand that we have one life. We started the life from a child where we didn’t really know anything. We were loved and accepted holy from the God. As we grow up our brain opens and we start to do our own thinking as tasks. Such tasks can be evil or peaceful, the choice is all ours. When we were a child, we had no choice, but as an adult, we do.


As we were a kid with holy life, it is important to go back to being holy as we get older. This means to live a life of peace and offer help to people. Live a positivity life where you are an influence to other people. So, to enter the kingdom of heaven, I think we need to go back to our child days when we were holy. We were holy when we were a child because we had no decisions or choices. We were loved. Just as everyone is loved as a kid, we need to go back to the kid days. However, if you are living a life of denial, understand that you may not be a cat with 9 lives, but you can change right now.


If you think you are waiting for some hero to come and save you from misery life. You need to understand that you can be a hero and not wait for a hero. You can change your life anytime you want, start today by being holy again just as you were a kid. Moreover, think logically and help people that you come across to.