“The only way you can serve God is by serving other people.” – Rick Warren

My Thoughts: 

This is absolutely true as he has created everyone and is God of all. If you hate someone, you need to understand that God created him/her. Which this means you need to offer help, rather than hating. It’s not good to have hate in your heart as its the root of evil. Instead, understand that person has been sent by God.

Serve People 

By serving people you are helping and understanding, in a way accepting God. Since God created us all, he created us to combine our thoughts and knowledge together. This is going to help us reach where we are headed to, but we need to combine together. All of us have our different careers in life, but as combine everything together we can understand we are all equally contributing us to something greater.

Late to School 

For people who are late to school and end up failing, understand you are here for a reason. All of us have a different reason to why we are here, but together our reason it’s as if it’s one. This is how life works and just as the Earth works. The sun and the moon really are together, even though they have different tasks in life. Just like that we connect to each other.

Do your Job Correctly 

Just to mention if you are working, then give it all to your job. You are getting paid to do a job, just do the job correctly. You may think the job you are performing may mean nothing to you, but it serves more than you think.

Don’t Be Negative 

Don’t do bad stuff in life and don’t cheat in life. Work hard and try to reach the top by positivity.