When you tell a 18-year-old girl if she wants to meet a guy she will ask “is he handsome.”
When you tell a 25-year-old girl she will “where does he work.”
And when you ask to a 30-year-old girl she will ask “where is he now.”

My Thoughts: 

Well, in real world an 18-year-old has no care about her future and life. That is the stage where the girl is young and is living the life. Usually, they think by 25 they will be married with kids and a house. They will dream about living the life and being in their career jobs. Yet, by the time they turn 25, they have failed everything and it’s as if nothing has ever happened. As if they are the same at age 18 compared to 25.


When a girl is 25 it is now close to the edge of starting a family. This is the stage where it’s either now or its going to be too late. Most girls rush during this stage, and they just want to have kids and start a family. They had enough of hanging out and this is the stage where they are now demanding a family.


At this stage a girl would marry someone that she would normally not marry. This is the rushing stage and the stage where it’s now or never. At this stage having a kid is kind of late as most girls plan on having a kid before 25. Having a kid at 30 is a bit sad and the body organs don’t work as good as they did during the 20’s. At 30, the body starts to slowly slow down and not have the same strength as it had during 20’s. As I like to think of 30’s is the depressed stage of a girl.


For guys, everything is a bit different, but somewhat still the same. Before the year 2000 most people preferred to be married in the early 20’s. Now seems like most people are getting married in the middle of their 20’s after they had some fun. But also, most divorces happen as both partners are not really prepared.