Me: “can you give me a ride to the store really quick?”
Friend: “I’m not a damn taxi service, if I take you, I want some money out of it”
Me: “that would make you a taxi service”

My Thoughts: 

Have you ever had a friend that would just use you for your car? Take me here and there, let’s go here and there. Sometimes you may just want to be lonely than have a friend use you over a car. Next thing you know you’ve driven thousands of miles traveling everywhere and for what? Just to kick it. Be careful, of having friends that will use you and remember to keep it 50/50 in friendships. Don’t do stuff for someone that will not do something back for you. Or don’t do stuff for someone that never really does anything back for you. Keep a healthy friendship by keeping it 50/50. Next thing you know that person gets a car and you guys never go anywhere in his/her car.


I guess this joke is pretty smart and now the person can pay as if it is a taxi service. Back in the days everyone used to take taxi. Nowadays everyone is taking Uber, Lyft and so on.


Sometimes people take advantage of you, and you need to be smart about it. Think always 50/50 when it comes to it, don’t give without getting in something in return.

Taxi Prices 

I’m not sure why the prices are so high, but it’s probably cheaper to buy a car than to drive a taxi. If you ride a taxi daily, it might cost you about $50 and near it for a roundtrip. With that price you can easily buy a car and it will be cheaper for you than to ride the Taxi. On top of that it will save you time and easier to get your way around with less hustle.