Very excited with this Panda Express Turning Red Cub Meal which the film releases on March 11, 2022. If you’re wondering what a cub meal is? It is a kid’s meal from Panda Express, except they call it cub meal. I just love how it’s called cub meal which refers to baby meal or kids meal as cub means baby animal.

Turning Red Cub Meal from Panda Express

This time I got 3 Cub meals and I got different items for each:

  • Cub Meal 1 – I got it with Chow Mein and Beijing Beef.
  • Cub Meal 2 – I got it with White Steamed Rice and Kung Pao Chicken.
  • Cub Meal 3 – I got it with Chow Mein and half Super Greens with The Original Orange Chicken.

I got Apple Crisps for all 3 and I also got Organic Apple Juice for all 3 meals. I kind of wish the Apple Juice came with a twist cap instead of a straw as I try to avoid straw for a Greener Earth.


All the Cub Meals came with the Turning Red Stickers which I think its just perfect to decorate the Easter Eggs. Great Stickers to decorate books, folders, magazines, or just about anything.

Turning Red will be available on Disney Plus on March 11 so if you have Disney Plus check it out tomorrow. Its basically about a 13-year-old teenage girl that turns to a red panda when she gets too excited.

Fortune Cookies

First cookie was empty which I like to create my own fortune during lucky times like this. Second Cookie, “A Challenging and Fascinating Project is in Your Future.” Third Cookie, “A Secret Wish Will Be Revealed to You Soon.” One Kid will be left without any fortune (LOL) but its cool because he can create his own. When a fortune is missing I think Luck is leading.