This 2022 Wheaties Cereal Michael Jordan is Box 2 from a total of 3. As I was shopping around looking for a cereal, I just didn’t know what cereal to get. Once I spotted Michael Jordan on the cover of this box, there was no thinking left. I grabbed this box and yummy cereal as well, just what I wanted for the day. I usually eat cereal before bed rather than breakfast, so this was just perfect way to eat and look at the box and remember the good old days when Chicago Bulls won Championships in a row.

Cereal Box

The 3 boxes:

  1. Box 1 – Muhammed Ali
  2. Box 2 – Michael Jordan
  3. Box 3 – 100 Years of Wheaties

As Muhammed Ali is Box 1, I hope soon I could find that box as I’m a fan of him too. Box 3 is just a simple side of plain box with dedication to 100 years of Wheaties, so I just want to congratulate that.

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan means a lot to me as his the reason why I became a fan of basketball. The Chicago Bulls is just one team that can’t ever be replaced. I just loved the team with Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman team combination. Those 3 together were unstoppable and the entire team was just very entertaining. I can’t picture any player any different from the Bulls, Great team it was.

The Chicago Bulls was my all-time favorite team and my second favorite team was the team Lakers. When Kobe, Shaq, fox, and fisher were playing together. Once Shaq left Lakers, I slowly started fading from basketball. Anyway, I went from Bulls to Lakers and to other sports as I started losing interest into basketball.

I can’t speak the same for basketball now as I can’t find any team that grabs my interest. The way Jordan played basketball was different. He just didn’t make the shots, but he had a unique playing style that looked good. Same with Kobe, his gameplay was nice and unique. The teams I’m seeing now don’t really have a nice gameplay, yes they make the shots, but I have no interest on their game play.

Anyway, this Wheaties cereal is always good and has some nice vitamins too. Best of all I enjoy eating the cereal while watching the box and thinking about the gameplay Jordan left behind. He is not just a great player, but a legend.