Oh Gosh! Where should I begin, I couldn’t finish this bar as my immune system isn’t used to the Azuki Beans. I got this Frozen Sweet Azuki Bean Bars from Costco, and the price was $7.99. It came with 2 small boxes inside one big box and each small box had 6 bars inside making it total of 12 bars. I think it’s just wasting paper by having 2 small boxes inside 1 big box. It would be more eco-friendly if it had 12 bars in just 1 box.

Azuki Beans Ice Cream Bars 

As I came across this at Costco, I always had this in my try list, and this time it was just the correct time to try. Well, at least that’s what I thought, until I tried it. Yes, this has real beans inside and the beans are called Azuki Beans which they are known as Red Beans. My body couldn’t take in these beans as I’m not used to eating this type of beans. That said, to enjoy this as a dessert, you have to let your immune system get used to these specific beans so it could adjust these frozen bars as delicious desserts.
Without being used to Azuki Beans it’s very hard for the immune system to accept this in your diet.


It has 19grams of added sugars and even with all the sugar my body still couldn’t accept this bar. A lot of times even when the food is not good, the sugar can trick it to be good, but that wasn’t the case with these bars.

Bean Soup 

To be realistic, this tasted like frozen hot soup. In other words, placing hot soup in the freezer, later eating it without heating it up.

These sweet treats were made in 1973 and they are very popular in Japan. I love the culture, respect all of the religions, and I love the Japanese Music.


Very simple on the ingredients side:

  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Azuki Beans
  • Glucose Syrup
  • Corn Starch
  • Salt

Just 6 ingredients and made with good quality Azuki Beans.

100 Years Ago (Daydream)

Overall, this reminds me of the old days like back over 100 years ago when there really was no ice-cream. I could just picture living in those times and just eating these beans all the time. Eating it so much that I start experimenting with it. Later, coming up with these frozen bars and loving it as I am so used to eating the beans.

Great Price worth the Try 

As the price is so cheap, all I could say is give it a try. But I would suggest eating Azuki Beans as an East Asian Dish entry and get used to the beans before eating the ice cream.