Wow! I’m pretty impressed with this ZOA Black Adam Cans. This time, I ordered the Wild Orange flavor as I was running low on that one. The movie is coming out on October 21, 2022, in USA and I just can’t wait. I already added the movie to my Netflix DVD Que (LOL! JK) I’m probably going to be the first watching it on the 21st of October which is about 3 weeks from now.

ZOA Black Adam Edition Can

If you guys haven’t tried this drink, I recommend it as it feels pretty clean. This orange one feels like you are walking and squeezing on oranges on the floor. Yes, it is carbonated but seems like it is aiming on natural side of ingredients. I feel like the sugar is the only fake ingredient in the can, but I’m not exactly sure.

Very Expensive 

If you’re thinking this is some basic price drink, think again. I got this from Amazon and sure it is aiming on expensive side of drinks. However, I’m sure the quality of what’s in the can is supposed to make up for the expensive price. I got it for $29.99 on Amazon for a pack of 12. Also, you can get it directly from the ZOA website.


Sure, it feels as electrifying as it looks, and it delivers nice energy to me. However, it says its crash free, but I do crash with it. A lot of times I drink it along with my food and it goes great with it.

The Can 

I know this is The Rocks energy drink, however I wish it had more characters on the can from the movie. The front of the can looks amazing, but with more characters around the can would feel better. Otherwise, for some reason I’m getting a bit greedy feeling towards it.

I’m sure this movie is going to be a great one. But currently right now I’m waiting for a bigger movie which is Hocus Pocus 2. Ever since I was a child, I fell in love with Hocus Pocus and now that the 2nd one is coming out on September 30th, I just can’t wait. Many great movies coming out this year and I already know I’m going to love Black Adam. 🙂

I’m a little bit excited that Pierce Brosnan is going to be in it too. 🙂

Costco Black Adam Box

Costco Zoa Black Adam Box

Costco Zoa Black Adam Box

I came across this box at Costco, however it is only the box that is Black Adam. The cans inside don’t have the Black Adam on it. Costco box looks great I just wish it had more variety of flavors inside instead of just 3. The Costco ZOA comes in 12oz cans and not 16oz.