“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” – 2 Corinthians 3:17 ESV 

Currently as I’m watching this film while writing this, it’s hard to have thoughts about freedom. The film I’m watching is, “Saving Private Ryan” which it came out on July 21 of 1998 in USA. Great film by main actor Tom Hanks and it came out about 25 years ago. Anyway, the film is based on front-line combat and talk about the freedom that we have today. I just want to thank all of the people in the military, for they are the reason how we even have freedom. They have sacrificed their life with honor and courage just so we have the freedom that we have now.

Mixed Emotions 

As much as I’m happy with all the freedom that we have, I still have mixed up emotions. I really think there should be no fight, whatsoever and that everyone should be at peace. However, how can life be possible this way as so many people are being born daily? The population has risen dramatically and it’s hard to say how life will be without military?

I really wish we all could get along and that there really was no country by the name. As one of the scenes in the movie, “Saving Private Ryan” Tom Hanks says: “the enemy means nothing to me, it’s just a name.”  I really think all countries should be the same and we should not fight towards land.

I believe it would be better if there was only one land and a rule that says no fighting for territory. This would make everything clearer and bring out the spirit of the Lord to each of us. At the same time, I think we should have this rule where we could only have max 2 kids and not more to control the population.