Baby did you fart, cause you blow me away!

(My thoughts:)

I almost feel like I was swimming, and a whale blew air out and it flew me away. Of course, another cheesy and stupid pickup line.

One thing I want to mention is that you may not realize it but there are two parts in our bodies where we release. One is by farting and the other is by burping, both seem like the same thing. I like to burp a lot as it feels good when you burp. Then there are those people who just can’t stop farting and sure it gets disgusting. However, as much as both are ugly and disgusting, it is just made for us to have to go through it. Wonder why sometimes? But it’s just the way the body works.


Many people just think it’s funny when they fart. For example, I have this friend who laughs or acts immature every time he farts. Sometimes I wonder who’s going to date him, but since his very rich, he sure gets a lot of girls.

Don’t Do It 

Three words I can say when it comes to farting and that is Just Don’t Do It. Did I say 3, let’s make it 4 with the word Just included because it’s just that important. Everybody farts and just do it on your own private time and not in public.


When you burp it is not that disgusting compared to farting but looks wrong. Anyway you put it, it feels immature when you burp. Also, it depends how you burp and in what way as that is what makes the difference. If you burp like an immature kid than it will be immature. If you burp properly than it will be normal. All depends on how you release it.

Next time you fart or burp, think twice.