“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.” – Winston Churchill

(My Thoughts:)

I really think that criticism is dangerous in many ways. For example, it is obvious that you might believe something while another person might believe that you are wrong. On and on everyone thinks that they are right, and everyone hates being wrong. As always, criticism can lead to an argument therefore just be quiet. If you are going to start a conversation that is based on your opinion than just keep it to yourself. Otherwise, everyone else might have a different opinion. Therefore, even having a conversation is harder than it seems when you got to watch out for everything that you got to say. It is just the way it is and you got to accept it.

Be Smart 

If you tell someone something negative like their hair looks bad than they might be upset about it. Once they are upset, they will start doing anything to get you back in any way possible. If words are going to come out of your mouth just keep it peaceful words and not hatred words.


If you are working than keep extra attention to what you say because some stuff might be offensive to others. Even if it is not offensive, they will make it offensive just to look right upon a supervisor or manager. You just don’t know how people think in a work environment and many child’s out there that you are not aware of. Keep an extra watch out at work as it can get you in trouble for something that is pointless to begin with. Most workplaces will observe what took place and they will judge accordingly knowing the person and judging with what they feel. At the same time just watch out for yourself.