“The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” – Marianne Williamson

As I’m updating this in 2022, the world is pretty much in a mess right now. First, we got Russia at war with Ukraine and second, we got China getting in war with Taiwan. Third, we got USA throwing itself into both wars for absolutely no reason.


As Russia is still in war with Ukraine there is many conflicts going on. Many companies are now losing their business in Russia because of no reason. They have no idea what is going on and USA is throwing wrong information which is making business to hate Russia. As this business are backing away, they are at loss with profit, and it doesn’t matter to Russia anyway. So, USA’s involvement feels like hatred towards Russia and I really think they need to stop.


Pretty much same thing going on with China and Taiwan. Same way USA is throwing themself towards the war. Feels very hatred of USA and I think this needs to stop as well.


It is very hard for countries to get along with each other when they have ongoing conflict taking place. They just can’t settle with what they have, and they can’t agree to negotiate. I really think USA is making all of this worse towards to people that live in USA. Hatred should not live in people’s heart, and it is something that should be replaced with love.


If we only practice to forgive one another, this world would be a better place. Instead of fighting we should accept each other. Instead of USA throwing itself into the war, they should help to stop it. USA is the reason why the Russian war is still going today. As USA is providing help with whatever Ukraine needs, war keeps going.