“I can only have peace of mind when I forgive rather than judge.” – Gerald Jampolsky

I can strongly agree with Gerald Jampolsky about his saying. Judging usually leads to more problems than you would expect. Also, once you start judging others it’s as if you expect to be judged same way as well. Judging is wrong overall and needs to be dealt with differently.


Peace should always be kept in the heart for everything in life. Problems always come and go but choosing to deal with it with peace is the most important thing. Once you accept peace, everything else becomes very peaceful. However, it is very hard as you have to believe in it. It is easy saying it, but actually doing it and believing it is how peace is present.


In a way forgive and peace work together. When you forgive, it is as if peace is playing its role. This is how it works. If you have peace, you also have forgiveness in you. Along with love which holds all together.

Don’t Judge 

In the life we are now, we have just too many celebrities. As these celebrities are the faces you see on the big screens, many people want to be like them. They start judging them and comparing and contrasting with themselves with them or to others. This leads to subliminal problems in life that can be avoided. Don’t try to be like a celebrity, instead leave trails behind of your own journey. Don’t go and try to duplicate another person regardless of who he or she is.

All this said, I want to add that peace is a choice. You can choose it and continue with it for the rest of your life. Keep love and peace in your heart, as nice dreams come along with peace and love.