“You just don’t know how strong your heart is, until you face it.” – Garegin Sarkisyan

My Thoughts: 

The only thing I can say is that I fully agree with Garegin Sarkisyan. This goes with many situations in life that we face. If we don’t face any challenges than what exactly is the purpose of life? I really think those who have faced challenges and overcome them are greater than those who run away from it. In other words, if there is something in life that is a challenge, step up and face it. This means, go to school and take that hard course that you been running away from. Or to everyone it could mean something else.


Another example is sports because sometimes people give up before they even start. I mean if Messi or Ronaldo gave up at soccer, they wouldn’t be where they are now. You just can’t give up without trying or knowing how it feels. Let’s take boxing as an example, it may seem easy watching from the ringside, but how is it when you are in the ring and fighting.

The key point is try, so you know how it is. Your heart may be made for boxing or soccer or any other sport. If you start playing soccer, you may just love it because you tried it. Next thing you know, your heart was made just for this sport. Eventually, you end up being one of the greatest soccer players of all time and it all started because you tried, and your heart loved it. If you heart is made for it, it is strong enough for it, you just got to be willing to try to know it.

Face It

If you want to be something, face it. As simple as that, don’t just let it pass you by. Get up and go get what you think your heart is made for. Because your heart may be just made for something specific.