Looking around VONS I came across this seasonal Signature Select Eggnog Ice Creams. I decided to try the Ice Cream Sandwiches first as sandwich type of ice cream was what I was looking for. As we are near ending 2023 and Holidays are looking very bright, I just couldn’t bypass this seasonal eggnog ice creams. Two versions were available which are the sandwiches and the ones in the buckets.

EGGNOG Ice Cream Sandwiches 

The eggnog flavor is just perfect as it is not strong and it is not overpowering the taste. It’s almost as if a vanilla ice cream with a hint of eggnog instead of eggnog ice cream. Very perfectly mastered on the flavor of the eggnog and has a spice taste as well. The spice I’m getting is a hint of cinnamon but at the same time it’s as if I’m getting pinecone taste. Very well with this ice cream sandwiches and the price is $2.99 for box of 6. Luckly, I got it on sale for $2.49 and I probably won’t get it again because I found the ingredients to be kind of poor. It has good and bad ingredients which is 50/50 on the ingredients.

Seasonal Eggnog Ice Cram

Vons Seasons Eggnog Ice Cream

Vons Seasons Eggnog Ice Cream

As I tried to get the Seasons Eggnog Ice Cream that is in a bucket it just has disappeared from the store. It is all sold out and I even tried to travel far to get it and it is not available in any Vons. Well, I had in mind to add some whisky to this Eggnog ice cream but hopefully next time around I’ll just do that. I even tried Pavilions and Albertsons and both stores was sold out. I kind of knew it I should have gotten it when I had the chance. But lucky for those who got it. Cheers!