“Re-examine all that you have been told…dismiss that which insults your soul.” – Walt Whitman

My Thoughts: 

The key point here that is getting my attention is re-examine. Why? Because I like to double make sure that everything is well. In other words, if you think something is going just perfect, double check to make sure. Many people think that is like a disease, but it’s just making sure. Some people say people who like to double check a lot, usually fall into perfectionism type of mindset. Which I say there is nothing really wrong with that.


The other thing that grabs my attention is the dismiss word. Why? Because we need to understand and to learn that dismissing something negative is actually okay for us. For example, if someone steals your apple during lunch time, don’t go and take care of it. Instead, ignore it and move on. Learn and understand that when you ignore something negative is better than causing an impact about it.

If you pay attention to all successful people, they ignore and dismiss all negativity people talk about them. If they didn’t ignore and dismiss than they sure wouldn’t be in a successful path of their lifestyle. If something is insulting you, ask yourself: “Why is it insulting you?” Usually, nothing is really insulting, we just create that idea that it is insulting.


In other words, what Walt is saying: ignore everything negative and forget them. Whatever has caused any problems or any sort of negative outcome, be smart about it and bypass it. Think like a real person and mature person. Be smart and accept critics to not impact you. Read more books, watch smart movies, go to school. But most importantly, always educate yourself and keep learning to move on to a better self.