“Love is the ultimate meaning of everything around us. Love is not a mere sentiment. Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation.” – Rabindranath Tagore

My Thoughts:

Yeah! Say that to the people who have created drugs. When you are under the influence of drugs everything around you just seems very lovely. At the same time, you pay penalty with the damage it does to your body for just a short period of joy. Don’t get into drugs guys even if it’s something that is better than sex. It only destroys your life in the long run and ends up being the worst thing ever. Even though drugs may seem love and true, they sure will make your life a failing nightmare.

Around Us

Everything around us is already around us and we need to look at it more brightly. Meaning, we shouldn’t judge the things around us with negative outlook to it. Instead, we should look at everything with a peaceful intense to it. I’m sure the same shouldn’t go if its drugs around us. But we should positively judge it with correct actions to it as reporting it to the police. You just never know where these drugs end up and it is very dangerous.

Cocaine Bear

As I’m updating this in 2023, I recommend you guys to watch a movie called, “Cocaine Bear.” It is based on true events and great movie from start to finish. As the entire movie is based about drugs, it might boost your mind with thoughts to avoid drugs. Besides that, as it’s based on true events it is a good idea to know about it. Great movie and I’m giving it 5 Stars. As I’m an animal guy, I kind of felt sad when the guy shot the bear at the end. I don’t want to kill the story for you guys, just watch it if you haven’t already.