“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement
and the thrill of creative effort.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

My Thoughts: 

As the two words start: “Happiness Lies,” I just want to say I feel just that. As I’m updating this on October 5th of 2022, I was super happy to watch new film that came out called, “Hocus Pocus 2.” As I loved the first one so much, I was super happy to watch the second one. However, my excitement somewhat felt like a lie, as I was super upset. Yes, you may think that the second one was great, but I really lost all my excitement for that film.

I have absolutely nothing to say about original Hocus Pocus because it is a masterpiece. But the second one really felt like a scam. I felt like my happiness was a complete lied to by Disney. The story line was absolutely trash. The witches seemed like they were not themselves. Felt, like the entire movie was just to make money without putting much effort. Really upset and didn’t even provide the Halloween feeling to it.

Some Good 

Yes, the only good part in the movie was the beginning. At this time, they were showing the witches as they were kids. Anyway, not much good to talk about this film so I’ll move on.


Talking about achievement I want to mention that it really does provide joy. During the time you do something you planned on, it feels like, “Mission Accomplished.” When you check mark an item from your do list, it is a feeling of release. Releasing happiness to the people and to yourself. This said, I want to mention to grab a journal and to start a: “to do list.” If you never done it, just try it as it can be more helpful than you thought.