“But I pray to you, Lord, in the time of your favor; in your great love, O God, answer me with your sure salvation.” – Psalm 69:13 NIV

My Thoughts: 

When it comes to praying, I always like to pray alone. There are people that want to be seen by others that they are praying, and this is wrong. As we are here on Earth, we need to give alone time with God and talk to him individually. We are alive with one spirit inside of us and that one spirit needs to talk to God and only God without any interference by others.


Even scientists who believe that there is no God, they are thought wrong when it comes to the ghost inside of us. When we die, we lose about 25-45 pounds and these pounds has been proven to be spirit weight. Why? Because it makes no sense of losing this weight as no body part goes out of us or any weight changes, except for our spirit leaving our body. Many people argue about this, but point is that even scientists or scientologists say that we have a spirit.

Church of Scientology 

Even the Church of Scientology says we have a spirit inside us. this kind of makes their own belief false as to it doesn’t make sense to their theory. If they say we have a spirit, then where does the spirit go after we die? Why and how do we have this spirit inside of us? Some of these questions is just not answerable as it is from above. This proves there is more to life than what we know or what Scientologist thinks they know.


Ever been to a Church of Scientology, I suggest go one day to see what it is, so you know. Basically, they try to make money off of you by making you feel like you have a problem, and they have the answers. They never solve the problem, but they get you to pay money to get books and read.