“Every day in every way I am getting better and better.” – Anonymous

As I like to say there is no such thing as not getting better, as long as you are trying. Many people who have problems think they can solve it on its own. But it’s not always the case if you don’t put effort to it. For example, let’s say you have anxiety, by not doing anything you don’t solve it. You won’t heal your anxiety if you don’t take action upon it. Same with everything else as you put effort you will get results.

Every Way

The point here to what I want to say is that keep trying and keep moving forward. If you are trying to improve yourself, there is no wrong way of doing it. Every step you make is another way to get you better and better. As you progress, you would need to progress even more. For instance, as you are feeling better, do more of what can heal you.

Back and Forth

Let’s say anxiety or panic attacks is your symptom. Then you will have back and forth relapses until you are fully recovered. Which means as long as you are putting effort and not backing away from it, it is improving you better and better. Yes, it is a challenge, but the end result is better than anyone who never suffered it before. Why? Because you have come from a challenging point of life that another has never had. Another has never had the opportunity to become strong. That said, as much as another person thinks they are strong, you are way stronger because you have actually overcome something that another hasn’t.

You Can Do It

Most of the time mental healing takes years, but once you overcome it’s a real paradise feeling.