“I am not a slave to my thoughts or emotions.” – Richard Carlson

My Thoughts:

From thought to though, mind to mind, you can think as you like or want. There is no stopping you from what you want to think. This said, there is really no way to be a slave to your thoughts or emotions, except by your choice. If you choose to be that way towards your thoughts, then the options are up to you because you only control you mind. As you think as you become, if you think that way, you lean towards that way, if the other than the other.


The mind is so strong that if you think you are not going to get better, than you won’t. The mind has a very powerful energy that people still don’t know how it works. Let’s say you are sick and have a high fever, you can think negative and never get better or get better in long time. Or you can think positive and find ways to help yourself heal because you want to heal, you will heal. Same with everything else in life, think smart and work your way towards progress.

Think Differently 

Always try to think differently in your mind. If you think one way, try to think another as well. For instance, let’s say you are talking to someone, try to think what he/she is think as well. Not only think your mind but try to think the other persons mind as well. This can help you to be a better person for you and also for the people around you.


If you are feeling sadness, don’t dwell on it and focus on it. Instead, think of ways to feel the opposite. Often, there are ways to overcome almost everything as long as you try and provide clean energy from your mind.