“Keep a grateful journal. Every night, list five things you are grateful for.” – Oprah Winfrey

I’ve never really been a fan of journaling as I always thought it was waste of time. Hower, if Oprah says write it on a journal, then I got to believe that it will work. Realistically, it just doesn’t really matter if you write a journal or not, it is what you believe. Also, it depends on the personality of the person and the thoughts.


Being grateful comes from the heart and I believe that most people are not grateful. Let’s take eating food as an example. How many people throw food away? How many people eat half a chicken and throw the rest away? I mean, if you want to be grateful, then start with little things. The chicken that you throw away didn’t die for no reason.

On the other hand, if food is thrown away, I just think its food for the animals. The rats that go digging in the trash bins will end up eating anything uneaten.

But as far as grateful goes, I think when you eat food, eat it with appreciation. that animal died for you to eat, not to go to waste. Eat with respect, grateful, and honor to the man above. Such gratitude will last for eternity and who you really are as a person.

Try It

I will not try it, but those who want to test it, go for it. Give it a try as Oprah is an educational person and what she says has value to it. Do it for fun and also tell others to do it too. Helping others is a key to success to you and to the person you help. Good work spread will spread back to you and open doors to higher success in life.