“Anyone can heal who believes that he can and will take the time to put that belief into motion.” – Ernest Holmes

I guess that yes, I can relate to Ernest and say that it sounds right. When we believe into something we put our thoughts and emotions into it which relates to fate in a way. However, there are some circumstances where healing doesn’t really matter with the person’s thoughts or emotions. For example, when Steve Jobs the Apple CEO passed away, I was told he passed away because he refused medication. I’m not sure the cause or reason why he passed away, but I always wish everyone the best.


Let’s say you are playing baseball and you take a swing and accidentally break your arm. Sure, it is going to hurt like crazy, but you are going to need medication to heal, and your thoughts won’t help. As much as you can believe that you are going to heal, you just won’t. Sometimes, medications and treatments are the only cure to recovery.

If you believe

Most people don’t believe much, but if you believe the positivity than that is enough to heal. Have good feelings towards people that provide you treatment. But most importantly just know that it’s going to be okay. Just thinking that: “it’s going to be okay,” is enough to heal. Don’t let negative thoughts float your mind as it can be dangerous. negative thoughts bring negative results and same with positivity thoughts. That is just how things are meant to be, like it or not.


Every time I like to think that everything is going to be okay even when it’s not. Let’s say something is going negative, I like to replace it and think the okay of it. Every negative can have a positive thought to it. Just let it be as I like to say it.