“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.” – The Buddha

I just want to say absolutely true and this is something where it’s hard for our current generation.

Why is it hard? 

Well, for first of all, everything we do now is designed to be easier than before. This easier makes us to be weaker than we were before. This weakness progresses in the current generation and multiplies rapidly. Next thing you know, everyone around you is weaker than before. For whatever the reason is that this is happening, I’m not sure. But our technology and everything around us is making life easier.


Back in the days, we had no transportation and no technology. Just to mention that we had no processed food either. Just eating food was pretty hard compared to all the foods we have now. We had to use horses for transportation which made our bodies strong. Now, we just sit in a car and push a button to start. The life we had before made us stronger to who we were becoming. And the life we are living now is headed towards making us weaker to who we are becoming.

There is no right or wrong, it just is what it is. We used to communicate by talking and actually putting effort to it. Now we just send messages on the phone, which we call that a form of communication. As you may see that everything is built to our easiness, which is making our weakness grow rapidly.


As the future is getting easier and easier, I like to say challenge yourself. Make your life harder like it was 100’s of years ago. Don’t take the easy way out in life and lead a challenged life that is very brave. Start now and be strong.