“The most effective way to cope with change
is to help create it.”
– L. W. Lynett

Wow! Lynett just answered what most people are afraid of. Many people are used to living in a certain pattern and they are afraid of changes. However, Lynett is saying: “help create it,” in other words make the change. Yes, start now and make a change of pattern because it is healthy and good for you. Sticking to the same ways of doing things because a repeat and nothing else gets really produced by it. Therefore, start making changes today and do something out of the pattern that you usually do.


Think of yourself in a way as a butterfly. Why? Because butterflies have no choice but to go through a change. Once they are a caterpillar, then they transform into a butterfly which is a big change compared to what they were before. As butterflies go through this change with no choice and it provides an absolute better life. I think that just the same way we can accomplish from making changes.

Change the Habit

If you are driving same directions going to work, change it to another direction. Or if you are going to the same McDonald’s or Starbucks, try to go to a different one. This way you might find or observe something that you didn’t before. You might meet the person of your dreams or have a fun experience. The opportunities are endless by changing your habits and always new experiences can lead your way that will benefit you.

If you never watch love movies, maybe it is time to do so. Or if you never watch action movies, than maybe it’s time to sit back and watch the Fast and the Furios. Go to theme parks you haven’t gone before, do activities that you’ve never done. Above all, keep trying new things.