The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” – Genesis 2:18 NIV

Well, what can I say that this is telling me that his bringing a girl for a man. Only one thing that goes in my mind as we are in the month of June which is the Pride Month. Pride Month is the pride that gay and lesbians have towards each other. It is the month dedicated towards all men to men or woman to woman type of relationships. What I want to say is that I have no idea what on Earth is going on with all this Pride stuff. Even in the bible God says he will make a helper suitable for him, but Pride people see it as anyone. As I can’t argue with them because it’s their own choices, all I can say is they are wrong.

Man and Woman

As much as I can’t stand the Pride stuff, I really think whatever makes them happy is good. Check out my homosexual essay which mentions about this type of relationships. Anyway, the key point is that we all have a helper and I feel like its set for us. As if our helper is already designed for us who it’s going to be. We will find that helper when we are ready, most of us already have found it. This is where I think Gay is wrong: “it is not good for the man to be alone.” this means that man shouldn’t be alone and when they are with another man than that’s two alone man and not suitable helper.

However, my advice is enjoy the Pride month for whoever is gay, and then think about this that you are not suited with the right helper. Maybe you may discover that you are not gay after all.