Your mama is so fat when she stands on a scale it says, “to be continued.”

My Thoughts: 

I always wondered to myself what exactly is the last number on the weight scale. Lately, I’ve been gaining so much weight that this is a good reminder for me to start eating clean again. Not only me, but for everyone. It is very important to be clean and healthy. The last thing you want is to stand on the scale and it is all maxed out. It is just very dangerous and if you have no weight scale, I suggest getting one. Get in a habit of checking your weight once a week, at least.

My Weight

Currently, I’m 203 pounds and the number keeps getting higher and higher. I check my weight every morning and I know I’m healthy when I am below 190. My standard weight is 175, but since I’m on an eating spree I just keep gaining weight. I could go near 190, but i just can’t go to my standard weight of 175. I need to be on an extreme healthy eating diet to reach 175. Most people think it is easier than it seems, but than those people can’t lose weight themselves.

Keep Trying

If you are one of those people that are trying and keep trying to lose weight but can’t. All you have to do is eat everything natural with zero chemicals. This means, if it has food color or fake taste or fake sugars, then it is not eatable. It never was, but we trained our bodies to handle it with painful outcomes later on in life as we grow older. It’s almost like a trap when you eat food with chemicals. They are not safe, but the Government needs us to eat it, so we end up in the hospital sooner or later. The sooner we get there, the better for them. So, eat healthy for you.