"You are here to evolve and make your consciousness high. 
You are here to dance, sing and celebrate life. 
You are here to help others to make their life happy. 
We are here not to compete, but to learn, evolve and excel. 
We are not here to make divisions in the name of prophets and religions. 
We are here to encompass the world with love and light."
- Amit Ray

My Thoughts: 

Amit Ray is absolutely right, and light is the way we need to focus. Why light? Well, it is because light comes from above and it is something creating by God. It is a form of energy that we need to be like it. It brightens the day and has a brilliant energy to it. The other which is love goes hand in hand. Just as light, we need to love each other and understand we all come from the same place. There is no enemy, we are in this world together. Light will never chase us, we will follow the light through each other.


Above all, I think learning is one of the most important things in life. It is why we are here on earth for. We are designed to come here to learn and to help one another. You might guess that learning is hard, but that is its purpose. You might want to enroll in a school just to expand your knowledge. It is healthy for you and everyone around you as you can share nice things that you have learned. Also, it will open the gates for you for something you thought you would ever get into.

Wake Up 

For those who do nothing all day, it’s time to wake up and do something. Be creative with your life and try to progress in whatever you choose to progress in. Moreover, don’t forget to eat healthy to make you progress even healthier.