“We have to let go of all blame, all attacking, all judging, to free our inner selves to attract what we say we want.” – Joe Vitale

My Thoughts:

Sometimes, letting go is just the way to go. It is important to live a life that is free from harm, one that is providing peace to everyone.


This is a no brainer that we just need to let go of blame. We need to not even focus on it as it only makes things worse. At the end of the day, there just is no one to blame except for us. Not even, but in a way to think about it. Instead of living in blame, think of positive outcomes for you and everyone around you.


As you know attacking just doesn’t work, it only makes things worse. Let’s remember the attack that took place during the January 6th presidential campaigns. When Donald Trump lead many people to attack the Congress Buildings.


Wow! Above all, judging is just very hurtful. It won’t take you anywhere except to hurt you. If you want to have a good life, judging won’t take you there. You need to focus on doing everything except for judging. This means don’t judge the outfit the person is wearing, above all don’t fall into the celebrity trap. Don’t look up to celebrities and don’t judge them either. Just erase judge out of your mind.


As you may know having a peaceful life is just very important. This means don’t waste your money on stuff you don’t need. Just because a person next to you drives a BMW doesn’t mean you need to drive one too. As I like to think very lowly, is the way that offers peace. Keep peace in your mind towards everyone you encounter.