“The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth.” – Irving Langmuir

(My Thoughts:)

Well, if you really think about it all scientist just want to prove a point in life. They are there to provide answers to things we may not know. They are there to provide solutions to problems that we create. However, where are they when you breakup and are feeling down? Where are they when you want to know how to feel good again? Well, maybe you may just want to see a doctor which in some ways they are scientists as well. I really feel like being a scientist is a enjoyable job to do and fun to talk about it when at work or out of work. However, there is a downfall that many scientists have to deal with. Yes, a downfall.


which results in testing on animals. People are just against tests that are done on animals and scientists have to figure a solution for it. If I were a scientist, I would want to figure out just what can be done besides testing on animals. I mean I wouldn’t want to hurt the animals just to figure out a solution. To think like a scientist, there is a solution to everything. Therefore, I suggest all scientists to stop animal testing and find a cleverer solution to it.


I’m really not sure if I’m happy or not with the future that we are currently in. Hopefully, there is a magic pill that can take away all sadness and all sorrowness, so you never experience those again. It would be cool if there a magic pill that made you happy at all times. Where you had no worries or stress in anything in life. Until then, the question is what have scientists really solved?