This new The Go Getter Smoothie from Jamba is not the sweet type of smoothie you would be looking for. It’s got this somewhat sour to somewhat bitter taste and way off of the sweet side. But what makes this drink different is that it is caffeinated type of drink and caffein coming from Match Green Tea.

Check it Out

I got this drink randomly as it was new, and I wanted to try something new. I didn’t even bother to look at what it is made of because I wanted to drink this smoothie unknowingly.

Well as I’m drinking the first taste that came to my attention is the vegetarian greens side of taste. For a moment some mango chili pepper taste came in and right away disappeared thereafter. I want to say the entire taste dominating this drink is the vegetarian greens side of taste. But the Matcha Green Tea was absolutely silent and the caffeine effect was silent just as well.

This drink was like a wake-up drink to me, kind of feels like it’s keeping you up and alert. It’s as if it’s getting you ready to do something. However, the caffeine could be part of the reason for that wake up feeling, but feels so silent.

I kind of didn’t really like this smoothie as it was a bit strong on the veggie greens side of taste. Overall, this smoothie is not the type of smoothie I would get because of the taste, but rather because of the nutritional value. It is loaded with bunch of vitamins and with the matcha green tea added this feels like almost an alternative to an energy drink. I actually feel this is way better than an energy drink as it’s made fresh and contains real veggies.


  • matcha green tea
  • vegetables and fruit juice blend
  • mangos
  • kale
  • orange juice


  • small (175mg)
  • medium (210mg)
  • large (281mg)

I like to call this drink a nice refresher drink, but not the drink I will get again. I will get this drink when I need energy to do a task or to keep me up and refreshed.

Also, I like how it’s loaded with bunch of vitamins like A, D, C, K, E. I like how it has Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Manganese, and more. Just to add that this smoothie is plant-made so feels good when drinking.