“The saddest thing is to be a minute to someone, when you’ve made them your eternity.” – Sanober Khan

(My Thoughts:)

This is just very depressing to even think about it. You spend your entire life giving 100% of yourself to someone and they just see it as nothing. Well, you may have heard the saying love is complicated and that is just what that is. At the same time, this doesn’t mean that it is over or to live depressed because of it. No! It just means that it didn’t work out with that person and there is someone out there that is a better fit for you.


Even though you may think you were a minute for that one person but you really were not. Think about it, all that time you spend with that person, that person spend it with you too. It’s just that you loved that person with your entire heart and you thought the same for you from them. Sadly, you found out they didn’t love you and don’t let this break you. As you get older you change as a person and even your desires in life can change. This said, you will find someone who will suit you that you just may love more that is a different person. Obviously, duh!

From this moment on don’t settle with this kind of thoughts to make you down. Instead, think of the other person being a minute to you rather you to him/her. So what it didn’t work out, life is not over and there are millions of people who went through what you are going through. You are not alone in whatever you are feeling. Many people out there are going through it too and some are doing better than others just by one thing: “Moving on and not feeling sorry.”