“Pessimism never won any battle.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

My Thoughts:

I just want to say Check Mate! However, let’s take a look at what Pessimism means:

  • a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen; a lack of hope or confidence in the future.

That almost sounds like me. Anyone else can relate to being a pessimism type. In other words, it means that you aspect the worst to happen and you focus on that.

I often think of the most negative outcomes to happen first before the best. It sure seems like a problem, but it is not a problem, it is just a type of personality. Everything has its good and bad, in some ways pessimism may be good, but in other ways it may be bad. However, knowing about it and understanding it can help you to control that type of mindset that you may have.

What I Learned 

What I’ve learned from this is to not only look at the worst but to look at the best too. I often focus on the negatives as the only outcome, but now I will look at both sides.


I think pessimism is a good mindset to have towards food, why? Because when you come across unhealthy food, you will think the negative of it and that will stop you from eating. Let’s say you go to a fast-food drive-thru and look at the menu, you might just look how it’s going to impact your healthy and drive off with no food. Instead, go somewhere healthy and eat something good for your body. So, it’s a win-win when it comes to foods.

If you also have the same mindset, try to look in more way instead of only one way. Think of the positive or think of ways to look differently to see more outcomes.