If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists – to protect them and to promote their common welfare – all else is lost. -Barack Obama

(My Thoughts:)

Who trusts the Government when most people are demanding more from it. Not many people are happy with the results that it is providing and most of the time you would only ask for more. However, at the same time there much isn’t really wrong with it. I mean sure it may sound like a mess, but how good are we dealing with it. I mean let’s take a look at the size of the Country. There are obviously too many people living in The United States of America. And if you ask me, I think it is managed pretty well compared to the size and the point of established being we are in right now.


As I’m updating this during the year 2023 it is pretty hard to say where we are right now. Everyone is in a mess and not happy with the results. At the same time, compared to other countries we are doing pretty well here in United States. Again, I think even this time of a mess we have outcome better than most and we are doing great again. But this has sparked results to people saying that the Government was behind this virus and all this questions about it. There sure is no answer to it and no proof either. However, hoping for the best in people and hope everyone does great.

God Bless Everyone who is going through this virus, and I hope everyone the best health. Many people who get this virus, it takes them couple weeks to months to overcome it. Sadly, many don’t make it as their body is weak to it. May God Bless Everyone and their families!