Song Borat Sang in the movie:

Obama was a traitor
America, he hate her
He belong inside the jails
I ain’t lying, it ain’t no jokes
Corona is a liberal hoax
Corona is a liberal hoax
Obama, what we gonna do?
Inject him with the Wuhan flu
Inject him with the Wuhan flu
Let hear it (cheering)
Dr. Fauci, what we gonna do?
Inject him with the Wuhan flu (crowd)
Inject him with the Wuhan flu (crowd)
Over there, she’s over there
She’s over there, to the right
Okay, journalists
Are we gonna inject them with the Wuhan flu
or Chop ’em up like the Saudis do?
Okay, let’s hear it
Who wants to inject them with the Wuhan flu?
Who wants to chop ’em up like the Saudis do?
Journalists, what we gonna do?
Chop ’em up like the Saudis do (crowd)
WHO, what we gonna do?
Chop ’em up like the Saudis do (crowd)
What should we do with scientists?
Let’s hear it for “feed them to the bears”
Let’s hear it for “gas them up like the Germans”
Okay, let’s do “gas them up”
Thank you very much. My name is Country Steve
– Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (2020)

My Thoughts: 

Of course, I highly suggest watching this film as it is pretty funny. I was like should I watch it or not, then I was like okay let me give it a try and absolutely loved it. I just loved this song and I wanted to share it with you guys. Feel free to comment what you guys think of it. It may be silly or not, but it was nice.

I think Obama was a great president, but I don’t think he made America great. He made us pay for health insurance even if we didn’t want it. I mean what was the point of that? However, he did great job being a president and hopefully things are better as the years go along.