Finally, at last McDonald’s came out with new sauces to try which are Sweet & Spicy Jam and Mambo Sauce. Both jams are available for limited time and just what I was looking for. As I love sauce so much because I always like to try new sauces with chicken McNuggets, these sauces are worth a celebration. The wait is now over and can’t wait to get so many of these sauces just to have them later on.

McDonald’s Sweet & Spicy Jam Sauce and Mambo Sauce

Both sauces have a jam side of taste, and both have a fruity taste as well. let’s begin:

  • Sweet & Spicy Jam – At first, I was like this is spicy and sweet at the same time, then as I looked at the name of the sauce I was like: “Duh!” It tastes exactly like Fig Jam with just added spice to it. Has a fire and heart on the cover of the sauce in a black container.
  • Mambo – This one here tastes like orange jam with no spice and nice balance of sweetness to it. Has a different color of stars on the cover of the sauce in a black container.

Both sauces are sweet in the same way, and both are jam type of sauces. They even have the same color except for the Mambo one is a bit darker than the Sweet & Spicy Jam Sauce. Great sauces to try for a change and I suggest getting extra ones as this are limited edition.


As I was trying these sauces something cool came to my attention. I really think if you get McChicken with no sauce and add any one of these two new sauces, it would just be perfect with it. I can’t wait to try it and I think it would be perfect with it.