What I like about the McDonald’s Holiday Pie is that once you see it on the menu than you know we are in the holiday season. This pie is available for a limited time during the holidays. Right away I’m going to start by saying: “Yes, I recommend giving this a try.” The price on the App is $1.59 for one or $2.79 for two. I usually get one because I find it enough and it’s a good way to finish off the meal.

Holiday Pie

What an amazing tasting bakery. The cream inside tastes like eggnog and vanilla mixture while the dots on top have candy like taste. Sure, it is absolutely sweet, but the yummy taste makes up for it. The sprinkles on top look like Christmas Ornaments. The cream inside is like somewhat yellowish color almost as if it’s resembling an eggnog.


As the year is about to finish and we are on the Holiday Season. This pie sure lifts up the spirit to feel jollier and sweeter during this special times.

Ice Cream Hack

If you want to try this in an ice cream, I think it would be alright. Just get some plain ice cream in a cup and add this pie to it. It would feel like a McFlurry in its own world.

According to McDonalds it is 260 Calories for one pie which I find it fair. I mean it is a bakery at the end which means it’s going to be sweet. Which this means that it is going to be loaded with calories. At the same time, I was expecting 300 or more calories for this pie. I’m happy with it and it’s a tradition for me that I get this during the holidays as a nice way to end the year with. On top of that it makes the combos more satisfying as a dessert to finish the meal with.