“May God grant you always… A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to you. Faithful friends near you. And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.” – Irish Blessing

My Thoughts: 

As this Irish Blessing goes, it is very charming from the heart. I also wanted to mention that I got this Irish Whiskey by Conor McGregor called Proper 12 which I can’t wait to try. I will try it in good Irish Spirit and Blessing as this Irish Blessing. If you are unaware of Conor McGregor, he is a UFC Fighter which he had couple great championship fights. I believe his last fight he broke his leg during the fight, which the fight stopped.
Anyway, I can’t wait to try his Whiskey and every purchase of the whiskey a little bit gets donated. I like the fact that some change gets donated as I like to be helpful, and his whiskey is enjoyed better as its also in good cause.


Some people may be having the wrong type of friends, well in this case you can always get new friends. If you have a friend that is disturbing to you, then just stop hanging out with the person. Sometimes the wrong people come and go, but its life. I like to say respect everyone regardless of who they are.


Where is heaven? I think it is somewhere outside of this planet and it is a place of its own. God has sent us here from there for whatever the reason may be. But this is why we need to pray so he could hear us, a way to communicate with him. So, when we leave this planet, we return to him who sent us here. We also need to live a life of positivity to honor him.