“Light and joy and peace abide in me.” – A Course in Miracles

This is very important to understand that this 3 Light, Joy, and Peace abide in you. Which Light is very subliminal because what is the exact meaning? Well, for first of all light I think it’s referring to brightness. It could be referring to sunlight or light as if peaceful energy, something that is not dark. Light also being gentle with your thoughts, there is just too many ways to really think about what light really means. But, for most part, I think it’s just referring to clean energy.

Joy is really hard to accept in life when you’re not feeling it. It’s one of those feelings where you just have to feel it with the moment. I think when someone is in the state of mind of Light, then sure he also has the joy with him. Anyone not walking in darkness is going to have joy from what I would think. Yes, I may be wrong, but I think Light and Joy go hand in hand. For those who are far from the joy state of mind, I always say watch comedy movie or shows. Comedy makes you laugh which brings some joy to your heart.


Peace is just something that you can create in life. You can choose to be peaceful if you want and when you want. Even moments when things are down, you can go through it peacefully. Instead of spreading negative energy, you can choose to spread peaceful energy with just a choice. What I’m trying to say is that you can be in darkness, yet choose to spread peace to others.

Light, Joy, and Peace seem like three different topics, but they can go hand in hand. Most importantly is educate and be positive regardless what you’re going through.