“Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy. To be alive means to have a sense of humor.” – Osho

My Thoughts:

As the war with Russia and Ukraine is still going on in 2023, this reminds me of president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Why? Well because he is probably the only president who lives life in a laughing form. He is known for playing a piano with his penis and of course known as the president of Ukraine. Even though he is a president, he is known for being funny. I think his comedy is silly comedy as he plays piano with his dick and other stuff like it. I mean I don’t find him funny, I find him ridicules. But that is the president of Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

As war is still going on, he his mocking the war and often still joking around. This only makes me think that the war is a joke or if its serious, I’m not sure. I think he should not be funny as the war is serious, but his sense of humor makes me think that his living life to the fullest. Sometimes, I just wonder if Zelenskyy is seeing the war as a comedy instead of tragic. As his comedy keeps growing, I’m just get mixed feelings of him being a President. It’s as if his not a president at all.


At the other hand, I’m just confused why USA is supporting this comedy president Zelenskyy. The only reason why the war is still going is because of USA’s involvement. USA is supporting Ukraine by everything. For what? No one will know. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, USA was crying that they had no money to give to USA. Half a year later, USA is sending billions of dollars to Ukraine. If the money isn’t enough, USA is also sending in all weapons necessary for Ukraine to rise on top. I believe even some USA Military has been found in Ukraine fighting the war against Russia. In all means, this needs to stop.