In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: “Flee like a bird to your mountain. For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart.” – Psalm 11:1-2 NIV

This reminds me of many things, but for some reason it’s getting me to think about birds. It’s making me think the nature of how they react towards weather conditions. For example, when there are thunderstorms, and the birds are unsafe outside in the current weathers. This makes me feel like how come he brought Birds to Earth and then makes them unsafe for the weathers? It is these weird thoughts that fly in my mind, but they might just not be weird after all. I mean there are all these outside animals and during thunderstorms they are unsafe. It makes me wonder Why he created them to feel unsafe during lightnings and heavy rains?

Of course, these questions are unanswerable, but there is a purpose to it and its far greater than what we know. Maybe we are just meant to not know.

I take Refuge 

I want to identify what refuge means just in case some people may not know. In this phrase I think its referring to taking protection from the Lord. In other words, protection from danger. In the Lord I take refuge as if in the Lord I have strength, protection, and aid. That is what I think refuge means in this Psalm’s. Moreover, how can I get hit by an arrow if I’m upright in Heart? If I have protection in the Lord, then why am I being hurt? These questions are just unanswerable, but there are far more things that we just don’t know.

It can mean many things, but also his saying how can I get hurt when I have strength in the Lord.