I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
– Chinese proverb

My Thoughts: 

This probably relates to everyone. I mean who doesn’t remember hearing something and then forgetting it. Or you tell yourself to do something in your mind, then you forget it. It’s kind of common and especially with busy people who are always doing something and keep themselves busy. It’s just like that when you have so much in your mind, you just forget.


Many people who see something, they always remember it. For example, if you go to New York and see the Statue of Liberty, you will remember it your entire life. Same with everything else that you see. If you are at the Lakers game and you see Kobe make over 80 points in one game, you will always remember that day. You will remember the time and excitement you had in your heart while he was making all the shots. In other words when you see something, you always remember it. Sure, it will be out of your mind, but it won’t be forgotten.

If it’s something that you forget, it is like a muscle memory. With a quick reminder you will remember it again.

I Do

Almost sounds like a wedding proposal, but it’s about understanding. For example, when you do a math problem you will understand it. If you just look at the solved problem, you might just be lost. Doing something is very important as it is part of understanding. Sometimes, you struggle with life trying to do something, but that is the mindset. You can go and and do as you like, but without doing anything, you might just not make it far in life. Unless you come from a rich family, it will be hard to move on in life by just standing by.